I will be writing the leaders of the Liberals and NDP and requesting they call an election and not shoot themselves in the foot (or the leg ala Plaxico Burress) with this coalition. Am I the only one who thinks the coalition partners (save Gilles Duceppe who wins either way) will end up worse off in the end? As far as I can tell Harper might be done but this will only help the Conservatives in the long run, especially given the reaction from the Canadian people. I am not sure that most Canadians realize that Harps really brought this on himself. You have until January 26th to get your letters in to tell them what you think should happen. And only those of you who got off your lazy asses and went and voted should bother to spout forth your opinion.
Next time go vote and maybe this kind of shit would not happen. Lesson learned?
Please keep in mind:
"The coalition sprang up after the Tories released an economic statement that was lambasted by the opposition parties. They accused Harper of doing nothing to address the current economic crisis and slammed what they saw as ideologically driven measures such as the proposed elimination of subsidies for political parties, a three-year ban on the right of civil servants to strike and limits on the ability of women to sue for pay equity.
Yes, Harper has since backed down on those contentious issues, but the opposition has pushed forward with the coalition.
The coalition — which would have a 24-member cabinet composed of six NDP and 18 Liberal MPs (all legally elected members) — has vowed to make an economic stimulus package a priority, proposing a multibillion-dollar plan that would include help for the auto and forestry sectors.
With 77 Liberal MPs and 37 New Democrats, plus the support of 49 Bloc members, the three parties have more seats than the 143 held by the Tories." This is being touted as a 62% majority in the press.
Song Du Jour: Use Somebody by Kings of Leon (best song of 2007 IMHO)