Thursday, April 17, 2008

"One man come in the name of love..."

Got myself a free pass to see U2 3D! Again. I wonder what kind of numbers have seen it here in Alberta because I think maybe 50 U2 fans have seen it like 4 times each. Rick Lee has seen it six, scratch that, SEVEN times! Crazy. That's who gave me the pass too, thanks Rick! It's nice to be surrounded by avid U2 fans!

As for the film itself....It was so worth the wait. First off--I had a hard time sitting down through it...and not singing out loud. I wanted to clap after each song...what can I say..I like to clap. I clap at everything. Seriously. I loved the crowds singing the big rock anthems and how the crowd already knew the bit they are supposed to they rocked out! When Bono planted one on Adam...awwww....that really was touching and you could feel the Bro-love they share in that moment. Nothing planned about that moment, they always keep it so genuine.

What an interesting experience in 3D. Right at the beginning when someone splashes their water bottle and it sprays out, I honestly expected to feel the wetness hit my arm...
I'll admit I let slip a few tears during "Sometimes you can't make it on your own"...that was my favorite song of the movie because I've never seen it live and because of Bono and his Father and what it means. His lyrics just...just...I can't explain it!

It was like I was transported to South America! The whole "coexist" message was powerful...And the comparison between Ireland and Argentina, "no matter how hard our past, we won't let that stand in the way of our great future...." The powerful image of him blindfolded with the smoke and haze billowing around him as he sang.
Just for a moment even sitting in a darkened theatre I felt like part of something bigger than me. The young woman reading out the declaration of human rights. Then Pride bursts out!

Pride just came on Sonic as I wrote this. Creeeeeepy.
I swear, it totally did!! Garner Andrews cracks me up..."Bono should just buy Rick Lee a house..."

Going again tonight and dragging my Vern and the OTC too! Can't wait!

Song Du Jour: Dead Disco by Metric

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