Tuesday, April 22, 2008

"Till now man has been up against Nature; from now on he will be up against his own nature" ~ Dennis Gabor (Back in 1964)

I'm not going to complain about the weather soooo...Happy Earth Day! Mother Nature appears to be conducting her own protest for us here. I'm never sure what to do on Earth Day. I have been turning out lights in empty offices and turning off my handy Sharp calculator when it is not in use...which is slightly annoying because I have to keep turning it off and on. Off and on. Off an on. Off and on. I even turned out the lights in my office while I ate lunch...actually I do that every day mostly to keep people from bugging me.

Should I fill my car with ever-increasing, super expensive gas or should I wait until tomorrow so as to not offend Mother Earth?? I guess I should have taken the bus. Believe me it crossed my mind this morning when I dug my poor car out of the snow drift I call my"parking stall".

Anybody else do something to mark Earth Day? Apparently, the first Earth day was observed April 22, 1970 and as a direct result of Earth Day, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was established in December 1970. Hm. The website suggests emailing the government and ask them "to enact tough and fair climate change legislation". If you feel the need to act, and you call Canada home, call 1-613-943-5959 and leave them your message.

Tonight I will watch The San Jose Sharks finish the job they should have finished about a week ago...those filthy procrastinators! We are eco-conscious couch potatoes so we'll watch with the lights off and because I am going to watch it with friends we'll be conserving the energy of at least 2 additional TV's.
Go Sharks! Pleeease for the love of all things holy!

Song Du Jour: Pork and Beans by Weezer
Weezer have unveiled the full track listing for their new self-titled, Red Album which drops June 24 -- if the whole thing doesn't leak in the next week I'll be amazed.

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