Tuesday, April 29, 2008

"Lady-oh, am I gonna ever learn what I never learned before?" - Neil Diamond

"City lights, city lights burn so warm and they burn so bright, but
me, I walk the city night to forget you, Lady-oh...." That's such a beautiful song...

The Man...He's COMING to Edmonton! Now I'm not a crazed Neil Diamond fan but the nostalgia knows no bounds on this crooner! My mom used to listen to him, we've sang and danced super (super) drunk to many, many of his songs, and with a best friend named Caroline...well you get the picture. If I can get tickets I am totally going.
Additionally, today Coldplay released the download their newest single on their website, if you can get on it. I tried with no success. But I heard it this morning on Sonic. It's got a kind of Beatles sound to it, with some heavier guitar...what do you think? I like it. A lot.
Song Du Jour: Violet Hill - Coldplay
Oh and Go Habs GO!

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