Friday, May 09, 2008

"Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve" ~ George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950)

This just in! Gather round nerds...
1,002 Canadians 18 years of age and older voted NOTA when asked to name the most trustworthy federal leader! Raise your hand if you're surprised. Crickets. Tumbleweeds.
Yeah, didn't think so...

Results of the "CPAC-Nanos Poll":
Question: As you may know, Stephane Dion is the leader of the federal Liberal Party, Stephen Harper is the leader of the Conservative Party of Canada, Jack Layton is the leader of the federal NDP, Gilles Duceppe is the leader of the Bloc Quebecois and Elizabeth May is the leader of the federal Green Party. Which of the federal leaders would you best describe as:
The numbers in parenthesis denotes the change from the previous Nanos Research survey completed in February 2008 (90 day change).

The most trustworthy leader?
Stephen Harper 31 (+1)
Stephane Dion 14 (NC)
Jack Layton 14 (-7)
Elizabeth May 5 (-3)
Gilles Duceppe 4 (-2)
None of The Above 32 (+12)

What gets the masses ignited? Certainly not politics...that doesn't effect us right? No...of course not! What has everybody talking? Rumour has it West Edmonton Mall is going to be getting a Bath and Body Works sometime in the fall! Some local women even started a facebook page for their 'cause' that's advocacy! And they were successful if the rumours are true. If only the mothers of the world actually realized the power they hold, eh?

Happy Mum's Day, Ladies!

Song Du Jour: Don't let go by Sarah McLachlan and Bryan Adams
Rarities, B-Sides and Other Stuff Volume 2 is the second rare tunes album she has put out and I bought it yesterday...I already love it. You'll hear "Don't let go" at a wedding you attend this summer for sure!
I hope Welke knows Sarah has another album out....


Adam said...

Good ol' Harps...what was the margin of error for that poll?

Heather said...

The aggregate survey results are accurate +/- 3.1 % , 19 times out of 20.
Oh and the title of the post links to the website if you wanna see it too..they have new ones all the time.
I think Harps is the new teflon Don of Canada.