Wednesday, July 07, 2004

Men show their characters in nothing more clearly than in what they think laughable ~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749 - 1832)

The SU had an appreciation party at Molson House for all the councilors and the Students' at large who sat on the many SU committees.
It was a great night. Upon entry we got one beer and 3 additional beer tickets. But everybody kept giving me their unused tickets. I think I had 9 beers in about 2 1/2 hours. There was singing on the piano, a nice speech from then President Brechtel, and after some mingling we ended up all outside on the stoop. At 9 p.m. the Molson party was over and we were shown the door, so we drunkenly set our sights on The Druid and some of us walked over and Bog Drove. I went with Bog.

Our Allie walked with a group over and ended up going tits-up out of a grocery cart. That was some bruise the next day. But I always say that the bar is fun but it usually the getting there that is the best adventure. Seriously..on the way to concerts. On the way to O.T.S. My girls will remember the adventure on the way to The Agricom for Rugby fest with our "chauffoi"...those were the best times. It's like the potential of the night is somehow intoxicating too.

Once we got to The Druid we drank back pint after pint. I seem to remember Steve Smith scribbling legislation on a beverage napkin. I, of course do not remember the drunken, hilarious conversation at all, but at some point, after I went pirate, Half-Pipe put on Samantha's headband and rammed a glass in his mouth and I had the mind to grab my camera and take this picture:


"Steve Smith" said...

My favourite part of that night was how we kept calling that guy at 462-DINK just to repeatedly point out to him that the last four digits of his phone number spelled out "dink".

Geez, you'd think a guy with a phone number like that would have a better sense of humour. . .

Heather said...

I totally forgot about that...
In fact, without pictures to remind me of that night, I think I would have forgotten it altogether.
I should really tell the rest of that story...but the closer to the end of the night, the more blurry it becomes.