Friday, July 23, 2004

"It's a terrible thing to hate your mother. But I didn't always hate her. When I was a child, I only kind of disliked her" ~ Raymond Shaw:

The Manchurian Candidate. I saw this movie about 10 years ago and its subtle political satire was all but lost on me at that time, but I remember thinking it was very clever. Clever, indeed. With a new version of this movie coming out this month with Denzel Washington I really wanted to see the original again. It was made in 1962, and is a serious role for Frank Sinatra, who pulls it off very well. The complicated plot weaves its way around the Democratic National convention and is filled with intrigue, and some crafty satire, McCarthy Style. ....My favorite part:
Poor Pussy-whipped Johnny Iselin finally accuses "57" communists...
Ahhh...The Cold War...If you get a chance to see it let me know what you think.

Let's see...Other random Friday evening news...I got to see my new nephew, Caiden, today and he and his Mommy are doing very well. He's so wee. After that I rushed to work just in time for my shift. For the last few months at work we have been subjected to banging, clanging and jack-hammering above our heads to accommodate the resurfacing of 99 Street, which is part of the bigger revitalization plan for Churchill Square.

Let me interrupt my own commentary here to say that as a taxpayer I am unimpressed with the new plan for Churchiil square. It seems that the people who planned it forgot that area is a place where "lost souls" hang about. One constable, who recently came to do a security presentation because of recent security issues, refers to them as "Lost souls" I call them Meth Addicts and vagrants. The square seems to be aimed at a more posh clientele, with fancy lawn furniture and gushing fountains...Sometimes I feel they were kind short-sighted when hatching this plan, but that remains to be seen, and I digress, so back to the point.

Noise. And lots of it. Construction noise has it's own kind of freakiness. For the most part it usually sounds like the roof is going to cave in on top of my co-workers and I at any minute, and that came be somewhat disconcerting. It is also hard to hear our customers, not to mention really annoying. It literally got so bad the construction workers even sent us flowers after a really bad day of booming and scraping. The whole station was vibrating that day. So today they have moved us. We crawled out of our dark and dreary cave and are temporarily relocated.

We have windows. Windows!! When you have worked underground for as long as I have, you have no idea how great this is. I can look out and see beautiful City Hall and as far North as the eye can see, very pretty! God Edmonton is really beautiful in the summertime. I can even see K-days from here...Over on the other side of the office we can watch John's picking up hookers. Our computer monitors are also the double wide type, with two side by side, which takes some time to adjust to, but really cool just the same.

The best part: The new, some would even call it awesome, office I am in has a "Wayne Gretzky's Overtime Hockey" table top hockey game. Sweeeeeet.

Feels like I got a promotion.

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