Wednesday, July 14, 2004

The Germans discovered it in 1904, and they called it "San Diego", which in German means "whale's vagina". ~ Ron Burgundy

I think I have too many things to Blog about today.

Today while getting ready to come to work I had the "Global Gossip at Noon" on and, in what must be an extremely slow news day, they had a report on the magnetic field of the earth. Or more to the point, what *could* happen if *one day* the magnetic field of the earth flips. Apparently South will be North and North will be South. This "report" had clips from the Movie "The Core" cut into to it, clearly to enhance it's authenticity. Without a bit of credible information added (or what I like to call "truth") the reporter at the end of her 2 minutes signs off by saying,
"But this could take another 100-200 years, or (pause for added drama) it could be tomorrow."


I thought it was just me, but even Anchorman Shaye Ganam paused for a moment to remark, "what? Okay I am more confused now having watched that than I was when she started." Shaye and his, (what would you call him..."co-anchor/weatherman") Kevin whatshisface, then launched into the silliest conversation about Kevins' compass that I have ever heard.

This all took no more than 5 minutes, but highlights the shite that Global covers and the fact that they call themselves the news at all well, it boggles the mind really.

Speaking of anchormen, wow what a transition, I went and saw the movie Anchorman last night with my ladies. I thought it was hilarious and laughed so hard I thought I might choke. Stiner will love this movie. Steve Carell, from The Daily Show, simply stole the show. He was bloody brilliant as Brick Tamland: "I ate a big, red candle."

However, my friends did not think it was as amusing as I did. It is one of those movies that if you go in with too high an expectation then by about 3/4 of the way in you will be disappointed. It's like they have no idea how to end these movies, so yes the ending was silly, but the back alley fight between the anchormen was hilarious and it has a bunch of cameo appearances. (Ben Stiller and Tim Robbins have some great hair in this movie) I wish I had seen it with Roman, I think he'd love it. Which reminds me, if being politically correct is your thing, then don't go see this movie.

From anchormen, and movies about them, to provincial Leadership...

The other day I was watching the news and heard Ralph make his big announcement about wiping out the debt. Go Ralph, Go. Here is the question I ask people who tell me he "did what he said he'd do"...

Are you further in personal debt since Ralph took office? The other question I it better to have a provincial government out of debt and the people of that province further entrenched in debt?

Just after Ralphs' big announcement on the news, they cut to this brown haired Dude, at the legislature, and I'm all "who's that?"
He's laying into the Premier and talking about social spending and the cost of paying off the debt....Sounds like NDP...I think "where is Raj?"?

Then Kevin Taft takes the stage and said a bunch of stuff that just sounded like whining. God, I really do feel for him. He's bitching and moaning that a September election would be too quick for the Liberal party, but he just came across as a whimpering sad-sac. Poor bastard. He has a point but they should have expected this....

Klein has so much power. I am in awe of it.

At the end of the news it is announced that Raj, yes 'Raj against the machine' Raj, is stepping down as ND Leader. "Oh," says I, as synapses fire, putting two and two together, "that brown haired Dude who sounds like NDP must have been Brian Mason." Hrm. Now it all makes sense. Brian Mason, 'poet extraordinare' according to the website, doesn't seem to have the same presence that Raj had though...that is concerning. Plus, I pay attention to politics and I didn't recognize him, will others? Will that have an impact on the election?
Lets just hope he sticks with politics and not poetry, that poem "wherefore art thou Romanow?" must have William Shakespeare twisting in his grave.



Alexandra Taylor said...

Actually I have less debt than when Ralphie came in. Ok, that's a lie. I guess you would say that I've maintained my debt level since I was 12 when he came into power and I had no debt and and have no debt now. I don't think that the debt level is directly 100% caused by Klein's economics. I think that in general, people spending above and beyond their means and getting caught up in the mentality that spending is a necessity and subsequently getting more and more in lines of credit, credit cards, loans, etc. for no real valid reason is to blame. Heck, I've done it. Now, if you're speaking directly to students and their potential debt levels related to school, then it's a different story. But honestly, I don't think general personal debt is suddenly Klein's fault.

Heather said...

Thanks Alex. That's good feedback, and more or less what others are telling me as well.

My 'little, unofficial survey'(asking random individuals if they are in more debt now than 10 years ago) pretty much supports that. I spoke with some of the ladies at work, who are older, and they have higher costs now, mostly due to medication and insurance and one complained about the price of gas, etc...

Mostly though their debt has resulted from mismanagement of funds and they certainly wouldn't blame anybody but themselves for it.
When I speak to students, my close friends who are now graduated and getting jobs, they are up to their eyeballs in debt. Most comment that paying off student loan debt is holding them back from getting married and buying homes.

It's very interesting. Not one of them blames the tightening of the provincial belt for their debt.