Friday, July 16, 2004

I will not jump with common spirits, And rank me with the barbarous multitudes. ~ Prince of Aragon, The Merchant of Venice 2.9.31-2,

Well Summer is here, finally. I hope.  It is a glorious day here in Edmonton.  It is hot, dry, and a deep, rich green lush look has settled in because of all the rain.   
On my way to work I walked through the construction zone that is Churchill Square and took a moment to enjoy the sun at City Hall.  The pool was filled with what Mr. Speaker refers to as the barbarous multitude.  It was funny to watch all  the 'Suits' walking by staring enviously at all of them splashing in the pool and soaking up the sun.   The City, apparently, has even invested in 'lifeguards' stationed out front, now.  And by 'lifeguards' I mean 2 teenagers giggling with each other and not paying attention at all. 
As I walked by, the mist from the fountains cooled me off and the carillons began to chime atop the Friendship Tower of City Hall Plaza.  I swear it was playing "Frosty The Snowman."  This caused a number of us to actually stop and look up at the tower and wonder what the hell?   It was a picture perfect scene on a busy, bustling Friday afternoon in Onion city.  Except for a pair of deserted tightie-whities abandoned in a drying puddle near the pool and I laughed because somewhere some Commando out there is wondering where he left his panties. 
I wish I was outside but instead I am here inside an air-conditioned office.  Maybe I should be thankful I am not sweltering out in the hot sun. 
But now that I am here at my desk and in between callers, I am surfing the net, checking blogs, checking e-mail accounts, checking on-line communities, checking has become a daily ritual. 
Of note in my cyber-travels today (and partially related to previous posts about Africa and AIDS):
Express News has 2 articles of interest to me today, which rocks.  One is about the social stigma associated with AIDS and men in Malawi.  It highlights that there is a dearth of education about this disease and that is causing it to spread. Malawi also made news last year because they stoned to death a local politician because he was rumoured to be a vampire.  No wonder it is so difficult to help these areas, no education, corrupt governments, but at least there are people there trying to make a difference.  That makes me feel better.  
Then I stumbled on to this cool story:
Student View: The power to change
I love the U of A.  It is so dynamic and there are so many different view points and interesting individuals.  I am lucky to have met so many. 
Tomorrow we are expecting another +31 degree day.  Whew!  Tomorrow will be a good day.  (well once 2 p.m. rolls around and I finish my shift at work) I will be going to the Football game with The Boggfather and The Dude.  I will bring lots of sunscreen. Go Esks!!
(That sounds like one bad sitcom or gay porn..."The Boggfather and The Dude")
And tomorrow Queen Leighanne-Alana and Princess Emma finally come home to visit!! YAY!  They will feel right at home in the hot weather. 
C'mon 21:00, hurry up!


Anonymous said...

I can't believe my city tax dollars are paying for you to blog. Maybe I should call you at various points during the day just to keep you busy. Maybe I'm jealous that I don't have internet at work...oh well...I make up for it with plenty of 80's music.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, that last one was from me. I refuse to register on this thing. I'm like the S.R.S. of your blog.

--The Dude

Heather said...

yeah my job has one redeeming quality, the pay.
I consider the fact that I can surf the internet, in between calls and when it is not busy, compensation for all the eejits I deal with on a daily basis.

However, when I talk to you on the phone from work, I make sure I do that on your dime*, just to spite you.

(*a joke...only a joke, Boss)

Anonymous said...

That really is one of my favourite quotes from Shakespear. - Gregory