Thursday, July 22, 2004

Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society~ Mark Twain (1835 - 1910)

I will certainly try to be coherent here, but on 3 hours of sleep, I'm not making any promises.  It has been a great day for people-watching, one of my favorite things to do, and many people are out in full-on Klondike regalia, and it is splendid. 
There was a gentleman dressed like Colonel Sanders this morning and he made me think about Mint juleps and horse racing. Some of the costumes seem a little too tight this year, some are looking worse for wear, but the hats with bold, brightly coloured feathers, the and the dainty parasols made me feel nostalgic for simpler days.

Simpler days when baby strollers were not the super-dee-duper-de-lux, mammoth type that we have today.  C'mon people, bigger is decidedly not better when it comes to toddler transport.  Seriously, some of the double-wide, double-long strollers are impressively bulky.  Especially when you are carrying them up and down the stairs of the LRT station.  Yup, that is what I was doing for a good portion of the day.  You see, the station, built in the 70's, only has one elevator and when only one of these massive strollers fits at a time, well, it takes a while to get them all down to the platform.  Last year, the elevator broke down so we had to carry all the strollers down the stairs by hand.  Mmhmmm, you heard me right, carry them. 

This year, praise be to Allah,  the elevator worked but, because the line for the elevator extended to The Citadel pedway, we decided to offer the same manual service.  Oh, and did I mention that the escalator was kaput too?  I got one hell of a work out.  I made over 100 trips.  Down the stairs with a stroller, up the escalator, down, up, down, up...My knees are weak, and not in the good way. 

Earlier in the morning I found myself, along with a co-worker, standing on Fort Road directing traffic.  I nearly lost my life twice.  Drivers forget that as they approach they need to signal their intentions and not just stop in the middle of Fort Road and look at me was rather comical.  Dangerous but comical.  One lady flipped me the bird because the north parking lot was full at 9:30 a.m. on Parade day (imagine that).  Yes, that is right Madam, it's my fault.
The questions were, as always, hilarious:

Her: "Is the LRT on detour because of the parade?"
Me:"you mean the buses?"
Her: "no, the train underground.."
after a moment of incredulity I responded , "oh no, they've decided to do the parade above ground this year..."

Her: "Oh wonderful, thank you..."

All in all a good day, and rather entertaining, however I am wearing my work t-shirt which states on the back "Questions? I've got the answers..."
If the commute to work was any indication I will be answering random queries in the street.  It will certainly be an adventurous ride home. 

Oh, I almost forgot...I found a real gem of a website thanks to Alex Taylor and her link to another blog...


Heather said...

We prefer the title "Information technician" thank you very much.
Yes, WCB, indeed. And now I will launch into yet another anecdote.

After the mad rush was over my co-worker and I stepped out of the office to go get lunch and she slipped on the stair. Yes a wee stair, one stair, just outside our main door. We frickin laughed...How ironic that she went up and down about a million flights of stairs for hours and it was only after it ended that she goes tits-up off the itsy-bitsy stair outside the door.

She's fine, but shouts of "workers' Comp" rang out, followed by giggles when she went flying...

Heather said...

Gaelic footbal tournaments, eh? Tell me more...
I bet Vanessa and Jake, and likely Kyle know about them.
Good times??

Jake said...

No one told me about any gaelic football tournaments. WHY WAS I NOT INFORMED!?!?!?!?!?