Friday, June 25, 2004

Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so ~Douglas Adams (1952 - 2001)

Let's is Friday, which is like the end of the week for me, so looking back...
I have now had a blog for one whole week. Last night, Mr. Speaker was asking me what the deal is with all these blogs. He's not a fan. They seem wholly anti-social to him. I'd agree with that except for the fact that I feel like I can keep in touch with all my friends around the globe and I think my blog might be useful in that way. Although I can see his concern because it is possible, at some point, that I may never have to see Smith again. I can just Blog stalk him. But that would be a sad day.

I'll admit it: I have nothing of importance to discuss here this lovely Friday, and right now I am stuck inside, at my desk, dealing with morons. On the homefront a lady has moved into the Commune..just down the hall so I have a new neighbour. I hope she likes Hacks. The new agenda is out for council. That's exciting for me and my hacks.

I am meeting with my Poll clerk tomorrow, getting geared up for the big day on Monday. YAY! My poll clerk has changed, I am no longer with Klya. Yes Klya. I should have known when I got her name that something was amiss. (yup, the name is Kyla.) On the whole I would have to say that the organization at the elections office is pretty much shite. They frighten me. I am just glad that we are all going crazy together and I can just follow Alex Taylor into the mire. Now I am told I am partnered up with Andrew and not Klya. This puts a big glitch into my plans for tomorrow but no worries it will all work out, just cuts into my drinking time, dammit. On related election news, I heard from the Global News (In hack house we call it Global Gossip, because the tripe they spew can rarely be classified as 'news') that it will cost about $264 million dollars for this election. Sweet Jesus! The anchor also added that, "it will cost about the same in about 6 months" when our newly elected minority government shits the bed and we go back to the polls. Ahhh...Democracy...

(edit: okay, okay...The anchor never actually used the words "shits the bed"...that's me editorializing....sorry to the 'gossip nazi' who emailed me ;p)

My good friend JT is coming up to Onion Town this weekend for some boozing and schmoozing.
It is almost July! Cripes time is flying. This month I start going to classes with my friend Caroline so that I can be her partner when she has her baby. I am soooo exited for this, and kinda scared too. What if I fuck up? Will I be strong enough? Will I cry the whole way through? Then I realize..I'm not having the baby, she is, so I just need to relax.

Next week: The Indians' Stag. Good times.

Have a good weekend ladies, gents and hacks. Go Esks!


Anonymous said...

Your blog is the first intelligent blog on Steve's list of blogs.


Heather said...

Well Thanks Adam.

"Truly great madness cannot be achieved without significant intelligence." Henrik Tikkanen

"Steve Smith" said...

Shit, if I'd known that this was going to be intelligent, I'd never have linked to it. It's just going to make me look bad.

Heather said...

bah! If this is the 'most intelligent' then we are all in deeeeep trouble.