Tuesday, June 22, 2004

Indeed, history is nothing more than a tableau of crimes and misfortunes ~ Voltaire (1694 - 1778)

Why would anyone watch The View?
It is droning on in the background as I type this and I can't understand a word because they all need to have the spotlight. Everybody is talking and nobody is listening.
Admittedly, my friends and I, when we get together, all talk at once and blather on and on, but we don't do it on national television. Frick, all these women talking at the same time, it's about the most annoying noise. Except for all those men talking at the same time during the leaders debate.
Anyhoo...they are talking about Bill Clinton. He's got a new book out. He's on Oprah tonight. ummm...isn't this old news? It's a book about everything we already knew about 5 years ago.

I have to say it, The U.S. is good at pointing out things that we all knew a while back. From Harpers:

"The 9/11 commission released two staff reports concluding
that there is no credible evidence that Iraq ever entered
into an alliance with Al Qaeda; the commission also detailed
for the first time the surprising level of confusion and
miscommunication among top administration officials on the
day of the attacks."

Shocker! So why are the ladies on The View talking about the lies their last president told them when they could be focusing on the lies their current president tells them (which seem much more book worthy).

Oh...the little Blonde lady sitting next to Star Jones Just said " She bringed something." LOL!
Bring it!

"If the president could convince every woman in America that the Bible says oral sex is not adultery, he'd even have my vote." ~Newt Gingrich

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