Sunday, June 20, 2004

The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter. ~ Winston Churchill

So youth don't vote. I've heard more about this issue this election than ever before. Perhaps because when I was younger I didn't realize this, or didn't notice, ironic huh? Now it seems like all I hear about is how important it is to get 18-34 year olds voting this time round. Whether it is because they don't want to or they are not engaged with the process or cynical, or if they just don't give a rat's ass, very few vote. Last night we went to a "Democracy is sexy" bar crawl. I think the idea is to have more youth oriented events and that way they might make it to the polls. It wasn't much of a crawl though, and in the end the bus never did come so it was basically just an excuse to get together and drink a few beers. Everybody I was with is a voter. So if only people who vote go to these types of events how do we get those who don't vote to actually take an interest?
Can you force that? I don't know....

I had a great time. At one point we were all dancing and the DJ mentioned he needed a "few girls up on The Speaker", which of course is hilarious if, as Chris Samuel pointed out, that statement was something said in Council.

So we did a little dancing and went over to Suite 69 then on to The Strat. I love The Strat. This was the first time I ever went with just girls. We had a blast. I've had some pretty good times there...we'll just leave it at that because some of those great stories are best left untold..

At the end of the night, and yes I am leaving out the juicy details, the bartender flipped of the lights to indicate last call and we finished our pitcher and left to stumble home. So our Democracy night was great but I doubt we convinced anybody to vote.

Today I was having dinner with Allie and she was wearing her "Democracy is Sexy" t-shirt and the two 19 year olds serving us were both looking at her shirt and commenting. Perhaps that is the way to get youth to vote. Get hot chicks to wear VOTE! T-shirts.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, wow that's great! Democracy is Sexy is kicking into high gear again for some federal election events. We're still in the process of getting them together, but I will keep you apprised.