Wednesday, September 15, 2004

I'm not afraid of storms, for I'm learning to sail my ship ~Louisa May Alcott

Well here it is my last day at my jobity-job. The ladies are a buzzing and they seem to be very sad that I am leaving. I am not sad so I feel kind of weird around them and I have these weird butterflies in my tummy. I can't help but wonder if giving up this job is the right thing to do, as I will miss the paycheque...that is for sure. I *might* be making a huge mistake, but I have to take that chance. A chance for something better, a chance for happiness and a challenge. I've weathered bigger storms than this...and in some ways I feel like that legless dude, Lt. Dan, from The Movie Forrest Gump who climbs up to the top of the ship's mast and shouts like a madman into the storm...This could be an interesting ride and oddly enough I am really looking forward to it to see what lies ahead...

Turning from metaphors to actual storms...News from The Caymans is not pretty. The ladies came through the storm, although news is that Stina is lucky to be alive because she did not go to a shelter, but the island took a beating. They are unsure of how long clean up might take, jobs are on the line...the hurricane changed everything. They are frightened and just want to come home. Water and food shortages are a problem but they are coping and we are waiting to hear word of what their next steps will be. The coverage on the news has been brutal and that has been frustrating.

"Armageddon" has come to Japan according to Colt. "Within 2 weeks, Japan had about 6 earthquakes (which caused tidal waves), 2 typhoons, lots of flooding (due to heavy rainfall during the typhoons), and a volcano eruption."
Frick...and we bitch about snow in September...

I have been "under the weather" (oh how clever...yet another reference to weather) having contracted a blasted cold...I blame the beers and the was bound to happen. I couldn't sleep and found myself watching late night TV. The only interesting thing I learned was that if you are in the Scrabble world championships on ESPN you can't use all the words in the scrabble dictionary...
You can't use 'Lez' for example...or the word "Redskins"....I laughed at can't spell the word Redskins on ESPN...I wonder if Nick 'Scrabble Man' Tam has heard about that? Of course he has...
And Tears For Fears was on Jay Leno last night...Tears for Fears! (everybody air keyboard!)

I also have to comment that Martha Stewart has decided to suck it up and go to jail. This move actually made me respect her again...(except for the bit about how she will miss her dogs...*rolls eyes*) She is taking responsibility for her actions and I respect that. See ya in March, Lady...

Song Du Jour: Shout~ Tears for Fears


Anonymous said...

Quitting a job is never wrong, it's always right. I wouldn't be where I am today without many, many quittings, remember The Rugby Fest 10 minute notice?

Hope all the Rottens are well in Cayman!

Heather said...

Well I should start watching late night TV more often.

Heather said...

Willis, worth quitting a job for. My favorite part was when I went to work on Monday and Boss lady asked me when you'd be back...

"Uhhh..I'm pretty sure that would be..never."