Saturday, September 11, 2004

"All right, brain, I don't like you and you don't like me - so let's just do this and I'll get back to killing you with beer" ~ Homer Simpson

This week has been stressful. I have been avoiding talking about it here on my blog but to sum up for when I am 80 years old and reading back over this:

3 more shifts and I am no longer "The Bus Lady"...yup that is right...time to focus on my studies and give up this "slave to the wage" city job. Don't get me wrong, this job helped me pursue my higher education but the fact that it is slowly killing me can't be ignored any longer. So I saved and saved this summer, and with the help of student loans I can focus on my studies this semester. It's is a luxury this *just* being a student. I have never been just a student before.

My classes rock, and I am glad to be back on campus, seeing friends back from summer adventures, but it is a totally different year than last year. Totally different. No more SU for this girl because I feel I am unwelcome there. I've never encountered anything like it before. The SU was such a big, nay HUGE, part of my day to day activity last year so it is a bit of an adjustment. But hell, that is life and fuck it, I can volunteer my time where I am wanted and needed. Altruism has its place but clearly that is not at the SU this year. It makes me sad. I am not angry, nor do I wonder why...I know just makes me sad that this is what it has come to. Bah, I say...bah! There are plenty of other ways for me to serve students...
I'm excited for the other opportunities already popping up!

There is a hurricane bearing down on my friends who live in the Cayman Islands. It has me worried...I don't know what is worse...them being there or me being here unable to know what is happening to them. 20 hours and the eye should make land fall...this could be the longest 48 hours, filled with worry.

So I find I am drowning my sorrows and worries with libations this week. Last night I actually had to take a day off because I am "saving myself" for tonight's stomp down Whyte. I can't drink as much as I used to. Moreover, my hangovers have become unreasonable. So last night at the Football game, sans beers, I had a great time whilst we walloped Calgary 44-12. We were sitting near some fans from Calgary, but it actually didn't end in bloodshed, yet we managed to antagonize them just enough to keep them quiet. I had a great time. I hope Sylvain had a great Birthday.

Another plus this week, beside seeing Sarah M, was to be a part of the first class of what will eventually be Political Science 399 (it is now Pol s 324). This is a class that I actually had a hand in creating. Instead of having classes that tell us how the systems of our governance work (most Poli sci classes) this class focuses on how to engage that system as a citizen in a democracy. How to get involved, and how to make change. It felt amazing to sit there in that class and realize that it actually came to fruition...I felt very proud.

So there you have it a paradoxical week...a roller coaster of emotions. How is it possible to feel two completely opposite ways at exactly the same time?? My brain hurts.

Mmmmm...beeeeers....(tee hee)

Song Du Jour: Mysterious Ways (Solar Plexus Magic Hour Remix)~U2


Anonymous said...

FYI, I did get those two beers I owed from the drinking game at Earl's...

--The Dude

Heather said...

atta boy, Gordo...Did Sylvain drink his 3?

Anonymous said...

Hahah, I feel the same about the SU as you do Heather! Anyways, have a great weekend, hope to seee you soon.

Allie Cat

Heather said...

Hey Allie Cat...
Misery loves company, lady!
We can commiserate together...YAY!

Anonymous said...

No, Sylvain did not finish his 3. As a matter of fact, I ended up finishing his first beer for him. Lightweight...


Alexandra Taylor said...

Hey Heather,

It happens to everyone at some point or another. The SU is a fickle mistress and frankly, you have to be insane to stick around for too long.
