Thursday, August 12, 2004

"All wealth is the product of labor." ~John Locke

What an odd week. Indicative of life in general, this week my life has been touched by both birth and death. This has caused many of us to stop and ponder on the big questions of life (and blog about it that oh so esoteric nature of blogging). I took the opportunity to reevaluate my priorities and I've realize that I am stuck in a rut and that rut is deceptively comfortable and cozy. Don't you hate that, you think you are doing the right and sensible thing and then you realize that all those excuses you were making really just was the "easy" way out?
Then again is any thing important ever 'easy'?
The sacrifice is simply not worth the 'reward' in this case anymore, so it is time to mix things up a bit. Scary. Yet, it is time for me to put aside the fear of walking away from comfort and into the realm of the uncomfortable, in hopes that it will be more rewarding. I hope that is esoteric enough for ya.

My friend 'Lina went through hell, and by 'hell' I mean 3 days of ridiculous amounts of labour pain, to have her baby. Jacob was born this morning at 10:56 a.m. and was 9 lbs. 8oz. The strength and courage that it takes to give birth amazes me. I am in awe of it. Today my friend Caroline is the wealthiest person I know.

I'm so tired. So very tired...

Song Du Jour: This Woman's Work ~ Kate Bush


Anonymous said...

3 days, huh? I recant my assumption that babies "fall out." ;)

--The Dude

Prus said...
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Heather said...

Have you decided that you don't like Locke anymore Snowdude?

JK said...

Word up.

I get you on "the rut". I've been there. I've recently tried to get into unfamiliar situations just to experience them. A warning though, sometimes these can go bad real quick. Or I just go out a spend a bunch of money to make myself feel better. It's kind of my ice cream.

BTW, I found your blog from Joel. You're a pretty insightful person, I enjoy your point of view.