Monday, August 09, 2004

"A community to meet the 'right' person..."

Today my friend Lina (no, sadly, still no babins) calls me up, all excited, to tell me she heard about something for single girls on the CBC and thought I would totally be interested!

"It is for people who like politics, like you," she said, "so I even waited until the end of the show and wrote down the internet address for you"

"Okay" I said hesitantly, but willing to hear her out, I got a pen and paper, "go ahead..."

"it is www-dot-republicansingles-dot-com..."
My pen stopped on the paper and I started to giggle...

"and they have another one too..." she continued, "it's..umm...oh, here it is; www-dot-democratsingles-dot-com..."

"Well, thanks Lady," I said, "err...I'll check them out..."

I didn't have the heart to tell her I am neither Republican or Democrat, or explain my disdain for political parties in general, but I checked out the sites. I just had to! Then I killed myself laughing at the slogan for the republican site...too funny.

But wasn't that sweet? She wanted me to find the "right" person. (and all for the low, low price of just $9.95 for the first month and $14.95 for additional months...)
Hrm..I wonder if the Green Party has an internet dating service? Perhaps Nanners and Mr. Speaker should initiate

Song Du Jour: Pass That Dutch ~ Missy E


Heather said...

Green Party Singles Website? If I was single, I'd be there. Hats off to you.

Jake said...

I'd totally be there too. And I'm not even a Green.

"Steve Smith" said...

Stay the fuck away from my sister, Troughton.

Anonymous said...

Weren't you paying attention to the movie, Steve? It showed us that girls like to fuck.

Steph said...

I almost wish we had a website like that in Canada.. It wouldnt even have to be for a specific political party.. But I have dated one too many guys briefly before finding out they were in love with the American Government.

Heather said...

Anonymous: What movie were you watching? And even if girls like to fuck, what the hell does that have to do with Smith trying to keep his sister safe from the advances of men?

Steph: There seem to be about a 1000 on-line dating services, but I wonder how many of them actually ask what a persons political ideologies are? It would certainly help us narrow it down a bit, but perhaps that isn't as important to the general population. I know a lot of people who have no idea what the difference is between a conservative and a liberal. Clearly it is much more important to know if a person likes to take long walks or likes 'fast planes'. (there was once a sunshine girl who indicated she liked "fast planes". that made me shake my head...what the hell other kind of plane is there?)

Jake said...

I'd just like to point out for the record that Smith may have jumped to his sister's defence just a tad sooner than was actually necessary.