Monday, August 30, 2004

"...I really want to be like those inspiring Points-o’-Infos writers! They’re so dreamy!” ~Secretary of Snark

POI makes me giggle. Dreamy, indeed.

Also of note, Mustafa writes:
"Being the conscientious Albertans that most of us are, and knowing that several other such Albertans read this blog, I thought I would direct you all to the Province's "It's Your Future" Survey which the government will supposedly use to help determine what future surpluses will be used for.

You can fill out the survey here.

I figured just in case some of you don't read POI (*shock*,*gasp*,*sputter*) you should know about that wee survey. (also I can't seem to figure out that trackback dealy....or I would use that too...cripes! I'm useless.)

On the cell phone front, and as a wee update from my last post, I am told that I would need to wait until May 2005 to get a *free* upgrade.
I think I may follow Alex Abboud's lead on this one and just wait it out and save myself the $75 bucks. Although Kyle, Mr. Helpful, at Radio Shack seems to think that Rogers will give me a rebate of $50 bucks if I upgrade this week. He's getting back to me later in the week on that. I love you Kyle, I don't know you, but I love you and your kind customer service skills.
"Bee-do," says my phone, clearly in agreement.

I inadvertently copied my work schedule down wrong and I missed a shift. I am blaming this on the fact that I am "in between" daytimers. I am waiting to pick one up from the U of A, so in the meantime I am using bits of paper to keep myself organized. This method works rather poorly...Obviously...I would not recommend it. I wonder if the new daytimers are in yet? Perhaps I need to talk to someone at the ASA office and see if I can get one this week. First, I would actually have to find out if we still have an ASA though.
So I waltz, blissfully ignorant, into work today not realizing I've pulled a no-show. My boss loves me. I thought it was fall-down funny...I'm in the minority there.

But I didn't come here to talk about any of this, I came to talk about the RNC.
I'll be back lata!

Song Du Jour: Into Temptation ~ Crowded House


Anonymous said...

Why don't you just quit your job?

Heather said...

Uh, yeah, thanks Captain Obvious...

Phone's ringing....OMG!