Monday, January 17, 2005

"Rest is the sweet sauce of labor." ~Plutarch

Sweet, sweet sauce.

You know when you fall into bed at the end of the day exhausted and it feels so good to sleep? Is there anything better than the feeling of a good night of sleep? It certainly makes Monday a whole lot easier to take.

So, I went skating yesterday. I'll give you a second to get the hilarious mental image of that. It may be really embarrassing and I was rather intimidated at the beginning, but hell you have to start somewhere right? There was another rookie out there with me but he used the boards the whole time, carefully moving himself around the rink...I only use them to stop. Boys skates are way different than girls figure skates and when you fall down, and as you can imagine I did over and over, it is much more difficult to get up. I don't know what hurts more, my legs from skating, my arse from falling, or my abs from laughing so hard...At least I can laugh at myself....That's half the fun.

Song Du Jour: Give Me Novacaine ~ Green Day

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