Sunday, January 30, 2005

"I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat." - Sir Winston Churchill

Well today is one for the scrapbook. I played my first game of Shinny hockey..Okay, well *played* might be a bit of an exaggeration...But I did participate and that was pretty damned cool.
I spent most of the first hour on the ice trying become a better skater and trying to get over my fear...I even did a little stick handling and passing!
In my head I could hear myself "Don't fall down, don't fall down, don't fall down..."

But whilst playing the game I wasn't thinking about my skating at all. Instead you are more focused on the puck and the game...And well, if you are me, it is about not getting mowed down by the players who can actually play. Some of the funny quotes heard at the rink:

"Lady, turn around!!" (I have yet to master the backwards skating making it awfully difficult to play defense)
"uh you better not fall down anymore I'm out of bandaids.."
"Nice save"
I have been waiting a long time to hear that last one, I saved a few goals! The Dude even came over and tapped me on the chins to congratulate me...It was one of those moments where I did something I really always wanted to do.
So, there you have it, a wee bit of progress, a little bleeding but nothing too major, and a successful day. Not to mention a really wonderful afternoon spent on the outdoor rink hanging with my peeps.

1 comment:

Heather said...

I have the feeling I would have been drinking beers out of the cooler in the stands, and I can't even imagine playing drunk....hrmmmm.
I wonder if it would improve my game?
I hope you won at least. Hey how is your cuz?