Tuesday, November 09, 2010
"I still owe money to the money to the money I owe"
You really need to go buy it.
That is all.
Song Du Jour Bloodbuzz Ohio by The National
Monday, September 27, 2010
"I need the darkness, someone please cut the lights..."

Month of May
Keep the Car Running
Neighborhood #2 (Laika)
No Cars Go
Sprawl II (Mountains Beyond Mountains)
Modern Man
The Suburbs
The Suburbs (Continued)
Neighborhood #1 (Tunnels)
Ocean of Noise (with Calexico)
We Used to Wait
Neighborhood #3 (Power Out)
Rebellion (Lies)
Suburban War

When Regine steps forward at 5:15 she touches my hand in there, I told her I loved her. LOL! I was all high off the concert....seriously concerts are like my biggest addiction....that song, it just explodes! The passion they play with, it is phenomenal. (I need better adjectives, there is nothing I can find to describe how it hits you in the chest!)

Song Du Jour ~ No Cars Go by Arcade Fire
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
"Once I had a love and it was a gas...it soon turned out to be a pain in the ass.." Blondie
First, Saturday night, I made my way out to the tent at River Cree Resort and Casino which was packed to the rafters and AMEN they've stopped allowing smoking inside so there was no thick haze to wade through. Now I came to this Blondie show with ridiculous notions and all of them were completely obliterated by the time they performed Rapture.
You see, the first memory I have of Blondie is from my 5 year old mind, my Mother loved Blondie and listened to them all the time and we would dance in the living room to Call Me.
They are cool defined I thought, and as I grew up Blondie always managed to avoid that awkward, 'everybody hates Blondie stage' and we still used to party to Blondie and dance and sing if they played Blondie in the bar...But, I never did see them live, never thought I would have the chance. From history I thought Debbie Harry would be brooding and sullen and 'angsty'.
Wrong. I was amazed when out pops this wee firecracker in a see through white tutu and punk rock jean jacket and belts and busts into D-Day. Debbie Harry, looking great, sounding phenomenal and strutting up there like Dolly Parton sans the giant knockers, she was AWESOME! Funny and entertaining and they sang some new songs and then...then came Rapture. The first rap song. Ever. I am not kidding, look it up. She rapped. I can now say that I have witnessed that, it is awesome. And so was Blondie.From the 1970's fast forward 20 years or so to '98 when my co-worker Bryony Stone from Scotland says one day, "hey you would love Travis, ever heard of them?" And...They became one of my favourite bands. And Bryony and I are still pen pals to this day.
Then this summer rumours were flying that Fran Healy, lead singer of Travis, is working on a solo album and might tour so imagine my delight when I actually got tickets.
Sunday night Fran Healy came to the Starlite Room-- just him and his guitar and he sang, sang, sang and talked, talked, talked and we never wanted it to end. The place was crawling with U2 fans. You couldn't have swung a dead cat without plowing down some U2 fans. And not just part-timers, hard core, uber U2 fans who have seen way more gigs than I have. One guy I spoke to had never heard of Travis at all, but had come with his buddy. His buddy was the dude crying 'man tear' after 'man tear' and closing his eyes and singing every word of every song with Fran.
Fran sang some new songs, I thought of Alan Cross and how much he would love this, cause he's a music geek too and he would have loved knowing all the tidbits about each song. He spoke of love when he sang his new one, "Buttercups" and wowed us with tales about Meko Case and Paul McCartney who are both featured on his new one, Wreckorder (out October 5th). Oh and it is pronounced, "recorder"...he wanted me to pass that on.
Fran spoke of becoming a father when he wrote "My Eyes". Then he sang 20:
I was 5 feet away! He talked to the audience and we got to ask a few questions, "how many push ups did you have to do for the video shoot of Turn?" LOL! His answer was hilarious because it involved many takes and he was vibrating through most of it! LOL! He explained the genesis of all the songs he sang, then he sang them--that voice...I love his voice.
I think every music fan daydreams about the opportunity to sit and talk about music with a talented songwriter...so throughout the night at Starlite Room I kept catching my mouth agape with awe, trying not to be so struck by the incredible songs and stories pouring out of Fran on that stage. I just could not believe I was lucky enough to be a part of that.
Then he sang Driftwood: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zzUdJ-5fscA . Then he sang The Humpty Dumpty Love Song and I cried, it was so beautiful.
It was over too fast. It came to the point where he was to "do the encore thing" which we all agree is so over. He admitted what they, the band, do in that in between (whilst the audience is supposed to kill itself clapping and begging for more) for a moment or two backstage, "mostly tripping over wires in the dark". LOL! So he proposed a postmodern encore. He said Goodnight...then he walked to the curtain and back and then turned and came right back and picked up his guitar for more. (For the record, apparently the same night in San Fransisco, Kings of Leon also rebuked the traditional bullshit of the encore and played through, saying they didn't want to waste any time that could be filled with song-- these steps towards abolishing the whole archaic encore shite warms my heart...but I digress)
The encore was great, he did 3 more songs for us, filled us up with a bit more joy and sent us on our way. It was a really special night. A night I will not forget and my friend Bryony will be super jealous of when I tell her in my next letter. Muwahaha!
Currently my favourite song off Suburbs is:
Song Du Jour: City With No Children by Arcade Fire
And guess who just got GA for the Calgary gig in September? SO EXCITED to finally get to see Arcade Fire live.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
"What you got, they can't steal it, No they can't even feel it..."

Thursday, August 05, 2010
Let your soul and spirit fly into the mystic - Van Morrison
My first experience at the Folk Music Festival was rather magical. The backdrop of the city combined with the most beautiful sunset and a mass of humanity on a hill soaking up the musical offering...man, it was awesome. I really enjoyed all the violin, it was amazing, he has such an awesome band.

They gave us candles on the way in and as twilight fell to darkness each concert goer lit there wee candle to create a milky way. Seeing all those lights on that hill from the top to the bottom made Van jump right into Gloria to get us up off our butts, which were asleep by this time, and watch all those candles sway with the dancers! It was a perfect ending.
The Edmonton Folk Music Festival really has an incredible infrastructure running it, from the volunteers to the security, it was so well organized. Although I did not eat anything I could see plates (yes, actual plates they will wash and use again!) of heaping salads, fruits, healthy Curry dishes and Bison Burgers with Saskatoon Berries. They also have the crap you want like those wee crack 'donuts' but, I was impressed with how much fresh food was available. It would have been awesome if I could have filled up my water bottle on site, instead of having to buy those 2 blue bottles.
I love that they really keep their eco footprint small and all the "Folkies" clean up after themselves and don't leave anything behind.
Song Du Jour - Suburbs by Arcade Fire....I mean seriously the album is out, you should get it.
Here is a link to the Video
Saturday, April 24, 2010
"As hard as it can get, there are still moments where the four of us can shut out the world." - Adam Clayton

It is bound by our humanity and AB puts to music the feelings I find so hard to express; Pure Joy and happiness to complete heart searing loss.
I love the way AB can make me smile and dance and think and cry. It also rocks!
Track List
Zoo Station Lyrics
Even Better Than The Real Thing Lyrics
One Lyrics
Until The End Of The World Lyrics
Who's Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses Lyrics
So Cruel Lyrics
The Fly Lyrics
Mysterious Ways Lyrics
->Song Du Jour: Tryin' to Throw Your Arms Around the World Lyrics
Ultraviolet (Light My Way) Lyrics
Acrobat Lyrics
Love Is Blindness Lyrics
Youtube Playlist
Friday, April 23, 2010
A man will rise, a man will fall from the sheer face of love like a fly from a wall..."
Band of Skulls
Simon & Garfunkel
Civil Twilight with Elias & Wool On Wolves
David Gray
The Buzzcocks
Public Enemy
New Pornographers
An Horse
Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers and Joe Cocker
U2 360º Tour
Deadmau5 (Live)
Blue Oyster Cult
Juliette Lewis
Vans Warped Tour
Things I never thought I would say after 1984: "I am going to see Buzzcocks and Blondie this year!"
SonicBoom is not listed yet (Sonic 102.9 will announce the line up on Monday, April 26th at 8 a.m.) but I am totally going to that too. I am really jonesing for some Foo Fighters live and to see KoL again.
Of this list I have tickets to 7 of the events, some of them I would not go to if I had to pay I just want to go to watch the spectacle--you know, "fly on the wall events". That is some eclectic list if I do say so myself. AND we haven't even hit May yet, soon there will be even more to see!
Song Du Jour: Letters From The Sky by Civil Twilight
Friday, April 09, 2010
“Coincidence is the word we use when we can't see the levers and pulleys.” Emma Bull

Wednesday, April 07, 2010
"this journey...has filled me with the power and courage to discover life’s lessons" ~ Agnes Nyamayarwo

Wednesday, March 31, 2010
"Everything about you resonates happiness now I won't settle for less..."
The waiting between SSPU's and Muse was pretty hard for this lady. I actually had butterflies in my tummy in anticipation! Then the lights went down and cue Uprising!
The star of this show? The MUSIC! Shit, these dudes are talented!
The sound was amazing. The band performed so well I was literally taken aback. How Matt Bellamy brings his incredible voice to peaks and valley's and manages to be pitch perfect AND not miss a note....all while dancing about the stage playing his guitar like a man possessed? I have no idea! It was really amazing to watch just him! And his bright blue leather pants!

They let loose on the crowd with such power...the buildup and explosion of that song live is incredible! I loved watching the GA come apart during that song. The energy was amazing and I will do what ever I can to see them again! and again, and again I hope.
See the rest of my videos from Muse here .
Uprising , Resistance, New Born, Supermassive Black Hole, Interlude, Hysteria, Bliss, Nishe, United States Of Eurasia, Ruled by Secrecy, Helsinki Jam, Undisclosed Desires,Starlight, Unnatural Selection, Time Is Running Out, Plug In Baby. Encore: Exogenesis: Symphony, Part 1: Overture, Stockholm Syndrome, Knights of CydoniaSong Du Jour: "Knights of Cydonia" live in Edmonton (watch the lid come off rexall at the .55 second mark...I get goosebumps just watching it again--honestly..it was freaking amazing!)
Friday, March 26, 2010
"And you know it's time to go through the sleet and driving snow...."

Winter is so pretty sometimes. Even in March. There are lovely icicles on our garage that make it still seem like a winter wonderland.
But, I am moving tomorrow and, even though it happens to be snowing today, beautiful weather (13°C !) is expected and the sun should kiss the last of those icicles buh-bye!
Moving in the Spring means you take your chances with what you might wake up to -- but this time it looks like nice weather, FTW!
Oh and in other news, (another first on my blog, I think)--I have a commenter flirting with me. It could be somebody I know pranking me, or it could be someone I don't know at all pranking me...or it could be legit. I don't know - and how could you know? I am flattered though. Isn't that silly? What is the proper reaction to overt blog flirting? I am clueless at this and I am so not interested. But you can't just blurt that out, right? You're expected to play the "flirt game" back...I am not good at that 'game playing' stuff, thankfully. I know ladies who are experts. They would know what to do here and say something sweet and saucy. They'd know how to flip your hair and smile via "blog flirting". I'm not that fancy. Plus, I tend to fuck it all up.
So kind Gentleman Commenter, thanks very much for taking an interest and being so lovely with the compliments. I really appreciate it, thanks!
Also...Countdown to MUSE continues...3 more sleeps!
Song Du Jour: A Sort of Homecoming by U2
Thursday, March 25, 2010
“There's something liberating about not pretending. Dare to embarrass yourself. Risk.” ~ Drew Barrymore
I was emailed said questionaire...you know those annoying things that you hate to fill out but find rather interesting to read when your friends fill them out? So I filled it out, procrastinating as per usual, and sent it back.
And now I have be "dared" to put it up on my blog. I declined. I am not some 13 year old who is going to take a dare. I was told I "never" post anything about myself on my blog. I would argue that is ridiculous! All I talk about on my blog is myself -- given the selfish nature of the blog, no?
So for the 3 of you who actually read this blog I will volunteer to share this with you. Apparently, I have been told, it might be of some interest. Feel free to disagree, I know I do.
What were you doing at 11 last night?
Packing my bags, Alice
Do you think you and your best friend(s) will be friends in 10 years?
What's the craziest thing you've done?
I went to New York to see U2 in October 2001, a fan had a ticket and we went together. I had never met him before. That was crazy.
Do you have any plans for the weekend?
Moving, unpacking and whatnot, Panda's Silent Auction, dinner and drinks with family and friends.
Would you change yourself for the person you love?
Nope, well not since highschool. Oh yeah...I tried that but it doesn't work -- at all.
Let me guess, your last incoming call was from the opposite sex?
Would you kiss anyone you have texts from in your phone?
When was the last time something bothered you?
about 2 hours ago.
Do you like to hold hands?
Anything embarrassing happen today?
No yet...
What does your phone do when it receives a new text?
My Blackberry vibrates and "Hello, hello" ringtone from Vertigo plays
Has anyone ever done mean things to you while you were sleeping?
Yes, you've met my friends!!
I was once half asleep, on a road trip to Peach Fest with my ladies, and one of them thought it would be hilarious to honk the horn...it scared the living crap out of me. It was hilarious but it took me a long time to admit it --I was so mad.
Do you have someone of the opposite sex you can tell everything to?
Yes, and I am very lucky that I can say I have more than one.
Last thing you spent money on?
I just bought a lottery ticket. *fingers crossed*
Have you dated the person you texted last?
a million years ago, yes.
Is good grammar attractive?
Who was the last person to call you baby?
I don't know...I don't really like to be called baby so I can't say as anyone has ever called me that.
What is your favourite color?
What color are your eyes?
How tall are you?
What do you have planned for tonight?
Getting ready to move in the morning; Glamourous things like laundry and cleaning.
Do you want to get married and have children one day?
If I met the right man I would be open to discussing the possibility.
Who is the 9th contact in your phone?
The Dude, I had to check...I just pranked him. Sorry The Dude.
Would you date an 18 year old at the age you are now?
Have you ever dyed your hair?
How many windows are open on your computer?
What was last thing you drank?
What do you like better: hot chocolate or hot apple cider?
I like them both
Do you collect anything?
I have a U2 collection and I collect postcards from all of my friends, well any of them who travel and are willing to send me one.
Do you think you are pregnant?
If the year consisted of only one season, which would you choose?
You've had sex within these past 10 days haven't you?
You just had to ask this one....I think this is why you sent me this stupid thing
You have to get a piercing, what do you get?
Hepatitis B knowing my luck.
You have to get a tattoo, where and what do you want?
I am getting one this summer with my Cousin. It is the U2 symbol from ATYCLB with the heart in the suitcase.
When is the last time someone of the opposite sex gave you a hug?
About 15 minutes ago
Do you have a good relationship with your parents?
No. Mother passed away, Real Father = don't know, adoptive Father = jackass, no contact
Are your friends taller than you?
2 of them are taller, yes
Would you rather sleep with someone else, or alone?
I can see the merits of both really. And I like both.
Is the first person you talked to today male or female?
Who was the last person you rode in a car with under 21?
My friends' children.
Do you know anyone named Matt?
Yes, we call him The Kid.
Is your hair curly or straight?
Straight Naturally? yes
What jewelery are you currently wearing?
Today I only have my white One Bracelet
Could you go the rest of your life without smoking a cigarette?
Have you ever in any way, been betrayed by someone you trust?
Did you have a good birthday this year?
It was wonderful!
Monday, March 15, 2010
"Here comes a feeling you thought you'd forgotten..." ~ Horchata by Vampire Weekend

Honestly, Vampire Weekend was brilliant last night. The crowd was kinda stunned...at least on our side of the great and giant pole. Horchata is off their new album and it rocks live, I am so glad to hear their new material and someday I can hear those anthems filling huge arenas.
I got some video clips!
Here is my favourite, Taxi Cab!
My favourite song off Contra is Taxi Cab. I loved it live too...they all gathered together on stage and the lights lowered and they played it almost sweetly with the bassist like magic on the bow. Beautiful! The rest of the clips are here.

That's what I like about Vampire Weekend, just enough salty to go with the sweet. A Punk blasted away! I was loving being down front for A Punk...Hey, hey hey hey!!! We were right next to some Uber VW fans who were also right into it. We sang and they knew all the words. Vampire Weekend nailed all the hits, they already sound so amazing, the new stuff is just more lush...and I was so grateful they covered so much material --it was a wicked set list.

I hope they come back soon!
Great night all in all, but I have made the decision not to rant again about how much I loathe the EEC. Mmmm...The Heinken's were delicious too.
Song Du Jour: Cape Cod Kwassa, Kwassa by Vampire Weekend
Monday, February 01, 2010
"And now I'm going to go have shots with Kings of Leon." — Green Day frontman Billy Armstrong after accepting the band's award for best rock album.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010
"You're like Def Leopard and I'm like Enya..." ~ Sara Quin
We went for some beers in the lobby during the intermission and it was like a reunion we saw so many people we knew, it was lovely to see good friends!
Once we were settled the lights dimmed and a red screen descended from the stage and there they were: 2 wee girls surrounded by a ton of equipment. On stage all the band members wore red shoes (the drummer wore red flip flops--in January--in Edmonton, brave man) and it was as if we all just old friends getting together again after a long time apart. They changed guitars between each set and had 3, count 'em THREE, giant keyboards.

Tegan and Sara are talkative and engage the audience in a way I have not seen at a concert of this size before. They were witty, funny and gracious and made sure we were up out of our seats for some songs and comfortable throughout. Last time I saw them I was all crammed in standing room only at the Power Plant, it was nice to have a seat and breathing space to really enjoy the concert. They played a range of music. Lots of new stuff co-mingled with the old favourites I love and it was a great set list. The encore was amazing and my favourite part as it featured Call it Off, Back in Your Head, and ended with Living Room (linked in the title ^). It was such a treat.
There was one young girl who was yelling from the audience and was slightly embarrassing after a while. She asked Sara out and that got a bit of a conversation going. Tegan asked where she would take Sara on a date and the girl replied, "to my bedroom" and Sara replied, "I am not that kind of girl, I need dinner and a movie and to be romanced first."
Tegan told stories about her love addiction and prefaced many songs with anecdotes about the genesis of each. I really enjoyed this part, I love knowing where the inspiration for a song comes from. Tegan is a talker...she joked about the review of the 1st show in the paper and wondered aloud what loquacious meant. One audience member shouted, "Verbose" and another, "talkative" and she had to agree with the review...she does like to talk. I was grateful for it. How many times to you go to a concert and get to really hear from the band members in a meaningful way that is not just "Hello [insert city name here] we love you..."?
Great songs, incredible melodies, and such harmony that I found myself closing my eyes to soak them up just like the rays of the sun on a beautiful day. It warmed me and energized me. I had that "can't sleep concert rush" when I got home and had a hard time coming down off the music high. That is the signature of a great concert for me.
If you missed them you have a chance to see them again very soon as the news just came out that Edmonton will be part of the Lilith Fair concerts this summer and Tegan and Sara will be sharing the stage with an incredible array of talented women.
Song Du Jour: Miracle Drug by U2
Monday, January 11, 2010
Sometimes I wish I was dead. I'll be okay, I guess, 'cause I'm lookin' up. Lookin' for something to fall
Not recommended for the softies out there, violence is part of their lives every day, and to walk with Precious through her life from day to day will wind you. It's the kind of movie you have to sit back in your chair after the credits roll and take a moment to let it all sink in. Powerful to the point that I thought how grateful I was for my screwed up life....Go see it!
This is going to be my pick for best movie of 2009. This and Up in a weird top 2 list. Everything else I have seen...from Avatar to Sherlock Holmes (maybe in my top 5 because of Guy Ritchie, but I hate a movie that just leads to a freaking sequel) to what ever other regurgitated scripted crap hollywood churned out---this is the one to see.
Song Du Jour: Born On The FM Waves Of The Heart by Against Me! (with Tegan! can't wait to see the Tegan and Sarah concert tomorrow night!!)