Thursday, August 05, 2010

Let your soul and spirit fly into the mystic - Van Morrison

Finally got to see the man himself last night, the one and only, Mr. Van Morrison.

My first experience at the Folk Music Festival was rather magical. The backdrop of the city combined with the most beautiful sunset and a mass of humanity on a hill soaking up the musical, it was awesome. I really enjoyed all the violin, it was amazing, he has such an awesome band.
They gave us candles on the way in and as twilight fell to darkness each concert goer lit there wee candle to create a milky way. Seeing all those lights on that hill from the top to the bottom made Van jump right into Gloria to get us up off our butts, which were asleep by this time, and watch all those candles sway with the dancers! It was a perfect ending.

The Edmonton Folk Music Festival really has an incredible infrastructure running it, from the volunteers to the security, it was so well organized. Although I did not eat anything I could see plates (yes, actual plates they will wash and use again!) of heaping salads, fruits, healthy Curry dishes and Bison Burgers with Saskatoon Berries. They also have the crap you want like those wee crack 'donuts' but, I was impressed with how much fresh food was available. It would have been awesome if I could have filled up my water bottle on site, instead of having to buy those 2 blue bottles.
I love that they really keep their eco footprint small and all the "Folkies" clean up after themselves and don't leave anything behind.

Song Du Jour - Suburbs by Arcade Fire....I mean seriously the album is out, you should get it.
Here is a link to the Video

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