Monday, March 03, 2008

"Look outside at the raincoats coming..."

I've been talking a lot about music here, eh? Blame my local radio station Sonic. They have this great little show called Farm Fresh which is all new music...I've got a little crush forming for Al Ford, I'll admit it. Coldplay is also working on new songs! And the new U2 Album should drop in the fall so you'll be hearing about that over the next few months, ad nauseam.

Anyhoo....I heard this new (to me) band from New York called Vampire Weekend on The Letterman show and to my glee, they are going to be on SNL on March 8th. Click on the link up there to watch their catchy little ditty on You Tube. It's stuck in my head today....'s election day, don't forget to vote peeps! Oh and thanks in advance Alberta'll be more of the same ole bullshit I am sure. I will cast my ballot after work and then watch the 'exciting' news coverage. The election nerd in me watches every year with great hope of change...I don't want to sound cynical and jaded, but I am so..... why won't you won't vote for a change? Why? I've become tired of party politics, friends...and I feel powerless to change it because nobody realizes that you have to vote to get change. Moreover, why can't I get my friends to vote? They have so much friend's G'ma spent 4 days in emergency at the Grey Nun's on a bed in the corridor, with no care because the nurses won't do anything until the patient is in a room. How much is your dignity worth? And still --my friend doesn't equate that with our election process. How can I make the connection?

I think voter turnout in Edmonton was 50% last election...I'll hazard a guess that it will be 42% this election. I really hope I am wrong. Prove me wrong...please.

Song du Jour - A Punk - Vampire Weekend


Adam said...

Wow. Good call on the turnout.

My election predictions kind of went sideways on me, but in a good way. As one of those oddball Stelmach supporters from Day 1, it was great to see him shove it in the face of the Calgary establishment that never gave him a chance and was secretly trying to get rid of him. Do you think they're going to get any cabinet posts now? They are so fucked.

Heather said...

I knew nobody was going to vote...I could tell by the look on peoples faces when I brought it up.

People really don't think their votes count. On that note I just can't believe the NDP lost official party status.
Stelmach's speech was great...and you greatly understimated your party with your predictions there Duder.
When is Janz going to run for leader of the PC's?