Monday, November 01, 2004

"2005 is our chance to go down in history for what we did do, rather than what we didn't do. This campaign is critical...." ~ Bono

Millennium Development Goals. Ever heard of them?

United Nations Millennium Declaration - September 2000
1.) Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
2.) Improve maternal health
3.) Achieve universal primary education
4.) Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases
5.) Promote gender equality and empower women
6.) Ensure environmental sustainability
7.) Reduce child mortality
8.) Develop a global partnership for development

In 2005 the so called 'international community' can really make a change for the better and I am proud to say that my new job will allow me to make a difference here on campus. International Week will focus on Making Poverty History (that's the theme, which we adopted from the campaign) and we will focus on the issues of Debt, Aids, and Trade. If you know me, you know that those three subjects are very important to me.

As I was running across campus back and forth from SUB to HUB today I was thinking how lucky I am that I finally have a job that I really love. It is a first for me and I have to say what a wonderful feeling it is!
I feel empowered today...

One day you will look...back
And you'll see...where
You were held
By this love...while
You could stand there
You could move on this moment
Follow this feeling

Song Du Jour: Evening Falls ~ Enya (lyrics)

EDIT: If you read The Economist, and you should, there is an article about Jeffrey Sachs:
Jeffrey Sachs and saving the worldOct 28th 2004

"When you are asking for $75 billion a year, you need a good reason. Jeffrey Sachs has one. He thinks that if aid to poor countries were increased by this sum - ie, more than doubled — and kept at that level until 2015, extreme poverty could be halved.."

I tried to link to the online version, but you have to be a subscriber to read it.


Anonymous said...

I know I'm posting off message here, but thanks for reminding me about Scotty singing "Don't look back..." As you know, we were all pretty blind and it had slipped the the Duke's mind. The end of the story was not running from the cops but me getting a jay walking ticket after the paddy wagon did a U-turn on hearing the SoCo bottle explode. How many tickets has the Hulk been responsible for me getting? Too many.

Nice picture too, email it to me would ya?

Maybe it's election night fever or food poisining from the buffet at the casino (don't ask), but I read the full transcript of Usamalamadingdong, and it started making sense. Is that fucked or what?

More inportant than whether Bush/Kerry will win, is who to take Jets/Dolphins!?! Tempted to go Miami and points, but they've broken my heart so many times it's like putting your hand on the stove after you've been burnt for the 5th time.

btw, how does one get the name 'hammers'? Is it how I think?

Heather said...

It kills me to say it but take the Jets, man. Fucking Fish...

I forgot about *that* ticket. Yes, Hulkie really has a gift for getting you in deep shite.

To get the Nickname Hammers you must be introduced to The indian at the Strath when we are already blind drunk, with the music blaring. That is really all it took, one deaf/drunk dude from Kindersley and the nickname 'Sammers' was magically transformed. The important part is that she lived up to the nickname and pounded back a half full pitcher of strath beer at like 2:59 a.m.
Ahhh..Hammers...she's the cat's ass.

Anonymous said...

Dolphins are down 34-7 with 12:50 left in the 4th. I think 1-7 has a nice ring to it, yes? :p

I'm still trying to get over the fact that they beat St. Louis...


--Chris said...

You read the Economist, too? Cookers and I are thinking about splitting a subscription - we picked up the magazine off the shelf at Mac's, and I read the article you talk about. Good times...
