Saturday, October 30, 2004

"Defend The Turf...."

Looks like we'll be freezing our asses off next Sunday at Commonwealth thanks to the B.C. Lions. Woo HOO! What a great game and the 4th quarter was a thing of beauty (except that timekeeper needs to be kicked to the curb). B.C.'s third string quarterback, Spergon Wynn, just kept marching it down the field for the most amazing touchdown...Saskatchewan scored 22 points in about 2 minutes and I thought B.C. was done. But no! Take that, Nub Jones.

Football rocks.
Sunday, Sunday, Sunday...


Anonymous said...

Wasn't that an awesome game? I was watching it with a bunch of Rider fans (my brother et al.) and I watched the hopes of the Riders hosting their first playoff game in 16 years blow up in their big dumb faces. Hahaha! I thought it was all over when the Riders scored with 1:27 left in the 4th, but dirty Saskatchewan players don't play by the rules apparently...

Andre doesn't know if he'll make the Golden Bears and the Smos next weekend since he has a midterm. I swear this is the 7647845896096th midterm that man has had this semester...Come on, what's more important...getting 100% on your midterm or seeing the Smos and Bears win? He needs to get his priorities in order...


Heather said...

Is it just me or are the comments not working?
It says one comment, but I don't see it...
This is a test...

Heather said...

Ahhh...there we go...I had to republish my blog to get the comments to show up! Cripes!

Gordo, tell Andre he has to come...We need his booing abilities. Tell the Meddler to give his head a shake and get his arse to the game! That and we need someone else to ridicule Jeff and the rest of the Riders fans! I can't go to the Bears game, I have to work the Pandas game. I will be calling you for updates from the field!