Thursday, March 24, 2005

"Only good girls keep diaries. Bad girls don't have time" ~Tallulah Bankhead

While I was scrutineering for the exec elections one of the girls there made a comment on how "boys are much raunchier than girls" and I disagreed, actually I think I said, "You haven't met my friends..."

I laughed, nobody else did. Today in my Kiddy Litter (Children's Literature 389)class we are discussing the feminist perspective on fairy tales and we are currently reading Ella Enchanted (which is totally different from the movie). The Prof argues that Ella turns other fairly tales on their head and shows a more realistic version of women and their identity and I disagreed because in the end Ella marries the prince and gets all that happily ever after junk that comes with it. She refuses to be a princess but instead becomes a career woman with children and has it all. So I pointed out the unrealistic nature of that ridiculous notion. I think I should write a fairy tale from the Rotten Girl Perspective.
And then I realized that would be far too much for most kids to handle but might actually portray women in a realistic light, which would be ill-received because ladies are still supposed to fit into the innocent and naive paradigm society stills demands they fall into. Or how about a fairy tale that starts with marriage instead of ending with one as the pinnacle of success in a woman's life?'s called Othello...and we all know how that ends.

I am enjoying this Kiddy litter class more than last semester but I do miss the obnoxious prof. My current Professor, Dr. Jones, is rather animated and is a good prof but I miss the drunken debauchery stories of professor Pooh. The one big difference is that I am getting a B+ in this class whereas Professor Pooh decided to bitchslap me with a D+.

El Rotten are planning a trip to Jasper at the end of April. Sans babies. I am looking forward to it and the road trip. It certainly won't be like the last Jasper trip (During Jasper Sevens which should have been titled: Rugby Boys, Mushrooms, crotch shots, Oh My!) Now that we are "settled down" the weekend should just involve copious amounts of liquor and giggling. There was even talk of hiking which is rather tame for our lot. It is so nice to have something fun to look forward to and I am counting down the days.

Oh thank god the fucking Nose-Whistler just got up from the computer station beside me. She was listening to her i-pod and nose-whistling super loud (you know like when you talk with headphones on and don't realize how loud you are?). She also thought it was a fine time to "secretly" get out some foil wrapped breakfast bar she brought (to the Library!) and although she thought she was covertly unwrapping it but she was making so much noise, and whistling so loud, everybody turned to look at her. She just turned bright red and left.

She has now been replaced with a hiccupping girl. You'll understand if I bid you farewell now, won't you? On my way out I feel it my duty to try to scare the shite out of her to stop the hiccups. This should be fun.

Song Du Jour: Narrow Daylight ~ Diana Krall


Anonymous said...

So, did you like win the election or something?


Heather said...

Yes I won! Apparently I was elected on the tenth ballot and with a whole 50 votes. Fifty!

For those of you interested in the results....go here:

Anonymous said...

Congrats (I voted for you!) Hope things are going well, cutie picture! Oh, and email me sometime about picking up my t-shirt. Otherwise, good luck on council! Remember to pick out the committees you want to sit on quickly! .. i remember the discussions.

and upon furthur consideration, i still believe guys are raunchier than girls (on average). (we should chat that one up again one day)