Thursday, February 03, 2005

" When in charge, ponder... When in trouble, delegate... When in doubt, mumble..." - Dr. Jim Boren

Half-pipe has announced he is leaving the SU. I respect his decision and will wait until after the exec elections to see if he changes his mind and runs for council.

With begins. Can you smell it in the air? It's election time at the SU. Woo hoo! The air is ripe with the smell of cheesy, and often bunk, resignation promises. It reeks of beginner sweat and false promise. It stirs the hack soul and demands attention. As it heats up, coming to a simmer shortly now, the candidates are stepping up and begging for assistance, gathering support, picking out colours and slogans. The hope dies a little when you see some of the people who have decided to run. Jesus.
Then you see the best of the best step up and take on this most honoured tradition. I can't wait for the forums, the platforms, the handbills and let's not forget the social whoring.
To think that Half-pipe can stand at a distance and just watch. Watch?? Well, Myer Horowitz just won't be the same without him. I hope the lure of such hackilicious things will overwhelm him and convince him to re-think this decision. Okay, so I guess "respecting" his decision was a bit of an sue me. I am just sad to hear this news...sad.

Song Du Jour: The Boxer ~ Simon & Garfunkel

"I have squandered my resistance for a pocketful of mumbles,
Such are promises, all lies and jest,
Still a man hears what he wants to hear
And disregards the rest, hmmmm"

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