Wednesday, February 16, 2005

"We are all born mad. Some remain so" -Samuel Beckett

Today I was bored in my psych class (which is normal) so I entertained myself by watching some of the other students in my class. One girl had her head on her desk, and she was taking a wee nap. Every once and a while she'd look up and then resume her nap. One girl in the front row...who drives me mad with her constant nose blowing resorted to nose picking today. Hot.
She's in the front row, digging for gold and totally oblivious to everybody watching her do it. It was rather funny. It was like she had a big ole crusty stuck up in there that she just couldn't get out. She blew, then blew, then blew...nada. She'd carefully wrap the corner of the tissue around her finger and jam it up her that makes picking your nose in public more acceptable somehow. Then she would repeat, blow, blow, blow...jam finger up nose, blow, blow, blow jam finger up nose, blow, blow, blow...wash, rinse, repeat.
It was hilarious to watch the chick next to Picky because she kept throwing her these disgusted glances but to no avail.
On Monday I had the worst luck and ended up sitting next to Twitchy McTwitchalot who shook his leg, (I could barely write the whole row was shaking) tapped his pen on the desk constantly, adjusted himself in his chair every 30 seconds or so.
That is one of my biggest pet peeves...people who fidget. I try to be understanding and I try to look away or just ignore it. It is just a weird pet peeve I suppose.


Major_Grooves said...

It's well known in polite societies that wrapping a tissue around your finger makes it acceptable to pick your nose in public. The same rules apply to your arse/ass.

For armpit rubbing one must wear gloves.

Anonymous said...

I was sitting next to a lady in Biochem who was a leg shaker, and dotted her i's and crossed her t's quite forcefully. That class is hard enough to tolerate as it is...

In the more cramped lecture theaters, there is always the possibility that the person behind you will slouch and have their knee hit your writing arm. Now that's annoying.

--The Dude