Saturday, October 02, 2004

"When nine hundred years old *you* reach, look as good *you* will not, hmm?" ~Yoda

I love Yoda, yes Captain Grammar himself...he rocks!

Ahhhh...good ole Return of The Jedi....I think my favorite character is the little muppet, from Jabba the Hutt's lair of reprobates, who laughs hysterically at the misfortune of pretty much everybody. The little jackass kills me every time. He was clearly reincarnated as Nelson on the Simpsons...ha ha!

So, I go to the website to look up a link, so all my fine readers could see who the hell I am talking about, and I find, to my delight, his name is Salacious B. Crumb.
Wonder what that B stands for? And doesn't salacious imply that he is "titillating or arousing people sexually"? Hrmmm...Is that what he was doing to C-3PO's eye? Kinky.

Crumb, apparently, is a Criminal Kowakian monkey-lizard. Cram that into your frontal lobe..there might be a test...or that could be the answer you need to win millions on Jeopardy. Is it any wonder I can't remember new things? Clearly, my brain is crammed to capacity with useless trivia like this. Good times.

I'd forgotten how hilarious Han Solo is:
C-3PO: His high exaltedness, the Great Jabba the Hutt, has decreed that you are to be terminated immediately.

Han Solo: Good, I hate long waits.

And when he tells Chewie to "Fly casual"...Classic!

I find I am always in awe of the imagination behind these movies. Can't wait for Episode III. When does it come out? And who is going with me to see it at 2 a.m. that day?
As an aside, I am just wondering how it is that a Senator (Palpatine) acquires the ability to use deadly force lightning? You can't teach that.

Song Du Jour: Close To Me ~ The Cure


"Steve Smith" said...

An unnamed former Exec and myself always used to imagine Brad Wutherick as Jabba the Hut, with GSA VP Services Chris Parker as Salacious.

Heather said...

I bet that is fall down funny if you know either of those individuals. You and your damned esoteric humour Smith. I have only had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Wutherick once or the hilarity is lost on me.

But thanks for sharing.