Friday, March 23, 2007

"I've seen a look in dogs' eyes, a quickly vanishing look of amazed contempt, and I am convinced that basically dogs think humans are nuts" -Steinbeck

Guess who's wearing his cone again?

Poor Riley...he's managed to slice his leg up pretty good and yet we have no idea how he actually maimed himself.

He's a very smart dog and hates to wear his cone, and it bothers him so badly that we feel guilty about putting the cone on...actually I don't feel guilty but my Uncle sure does. So in an effort to make him (Riley and my Uncle) more comfortable my Uncle decided to let Riley go sans cone and thought Joe Boxer would keep Riley from licking and biting at his stitches--$300 stitches if you can believe that. I had to put these photos up.

Incidentally, Mr. Boxer nor the cone could stand up to the ingenious Riley and he pulled out all of his $300 stitches. So back to the vet he went for the replacement $200 stitches. The only reason they were cheaper, you may wonder, this time the vet didn't knock him out. Apparently the dog has a very high pain threshold, or no pain sensors whatsoever....
On the up side Murphy has a new special lady...The last photo is of them knecking so if you're queasy about Public Displays of Affection--look away, look away.

Song Du Jour: Sweet Escape ~ Gwen Stefani

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