Saturday, October 14, 2006

"Football incorporates the two worst elements of American society: violence punctuated by committee meetings"~Bern Williams

So the Smos are officially out of the playoffs...first time in what 34 years? Brutal.

I just managed to crush my finger in my desk here at work..ouch! I'm doing crafts and drinking tea and generally enjoying myself and my last 5 shifts at my job. Yep, that's right I'm off to my new job at the end of the month thanks to OTC's sister. It pays more, is right downtown --15 minutes from home, and its 9-5 Monday to Friday which accomodates my job with The Pandas nicely.

Got to spend yesterday with my ladies and their tots. Met the newest bairn, Burke William, and he is super wee. He's 6 lbs and so sweet and Vern is well and is feeling fine. Jacob figured out that jamming sand in your mouth from the sandbox isn't as pleasant as he had initially thought it might be. Hung out with Kirny last night for a bit and rented "Lord Of War" but totally fell asleep and missed it. Well, best get back to the "job"...coming up on the last hour till I'm down to 4 more shifts. Good times.

I was 10-4 last week...Here are my Week 6 picks:

St. Louis (pepto)
NY Jets
San Diego

Song du jour: Crashing Cars ~ Snow Patrol -- frick they overplay the crap out of it here so-- there it is-- stuck in my head for the 2nd day in a row...


Anonymous said...

eskimos suck... boo danny moochochos!

Anonymous said...

HJ! I hope you see this! I miss you so much, chickie. I sent you a Christmas Card but don't know if I sent it to the right address. I hope it was. lol

Anyway, Happy Holidays. I hope you are well.

Love, peace and lots of U2,