So I went to see the movie Burn After Reading and God love the Coen Brothers. At least you can rely on them to throw you a curve ball. Totally unpredictable....you never know what will happen next...horrific and hilarious. I was laughing so hard...the only thing is that I don't think other people in the theatre thought it was as fricking funny as I did. I love that they gave Margie a big shout out from Fargo and in the end I wish William H Macy had played the role that was so William H. Macy.
It is hard for me to believe that they wrote the screenplay for this whilst writing the screenplay for No Country For Old Balls. They say they alternated every other day between scripts. I can't even imagine that.
All of the previews before the movie looked abysmal and the lights kept coming on during the show...which was pretty funny...thanks the volunteers who got up and went and told the 70 year old lady taking tickets to figure out the light situation.
I can't wait to see what the Coen Bros. come up with next:
Suburbicon (2009) (in production) (writer)
Gambit (2009) (announced) (screenplay)
Hail Caesar (2009) (pre-production) (writer)
A Serious Man (2009) (filming) (writer)
Song Du Jour: Sometime Around Midnight by The Airborne Toxic Event